Cancer is an intimidating illness: it leads to a lot of uncertainty in light of a diagnosis. What’s scary for many people is that the treatments can be quite intimidating alone. Fortunately, there are alternatives to the traditional cancer treatments in light of a recent diagnosis if you’re worried about the prospect of having chemo, radiation, or surgery. Alternative cancer treatments are a less scary option, and can be very effective in helping your body fight off cancer. Otherwise, your body’s defenses will be left to their own devices and you may not be effectively able to deal with some of the negative consequences which come with cancer. We will discuss some of the alternative treatments available today, but we want to mention one other treatment which we did not have time to cover today which you should definitely research for yourself. This treatment involves using a CBD tincture to help treat and prevent certain types of cancer. Anyways, let’s get on with it.
Angiogenesis Inhibitors Block Blood Flow to Tumors
These are drugs which are designed to stop the flow of blood to the tumor. The idea behind this treatment is that it will starve the tumor of any nutrients or compounds which the tumor would need in order to survive. Thus, the lack of blood flow means that the tumor will die off. Tumors cannot grow very large or spread without the ability for them to have blood vessels which run to them. There are currently a few angiogenesis inhibitors on the market right now: Bevacizumab, for example, is being used for colon/lung/eye cancer and was approved in 2004.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Helps Stimulate The Immune Response
This is another option that you have for an alternative cancer treatment. The lymphatic system directs the body’s natural defenses, and the idea of draining the lymphatic system is that it will remove all of the congestion from the system. This can happen during cancer, which means that the body’s natural defenses are weakened further during a time when they are needed the most. This is a treatment which has been used since the 1930s, as a way of alleviating the swelling which can occur as a direct result of cancer. Draining the lymphatic system also means that there is a reduced level of swelling and removal of toxic substances in the body. The body’s nervous system will also function better and the immune system will be stimulated.
Proton Therapy – Newer, Narrower Option Than Radiation
Proton therapy is a little bit different than traditional radiation therapy. It’s different because it uses a focused beam of protons rather than a scattered beam of unfocused energy. Proton therapy has the advantage of less negative effects which are caused by the original cancer treatment. This leads to a minimal dose of radiation, which means that this is also less radiation which is required to exit the human body. This holds some promise for those whom are looking for a safer alternative to traditional cancer treatments.